Guidelines for Authors for publication in JAOI
Submission of Manuscripts
All manuscripts must be written in English and submitted exclusively to the “The Journal of Academy of Oral Implantology (JAOI)” to be considered for publication.
Preparing Manuscripts for Submission
The JAOI considers only manuscripts submitted electronically via email, prepared in MS Word, at the email id of the journal Only the manuscripts written in English are considered and should be accompanied by a letter signed by the authors stating that the manuscript is not being considered for publication in another journal. Only those who are actively involved in the work should be named as authors and this will normally be up to three authors. Multiple authors, over and above three, must be justified. Copies of a permission to reproduce material, that has been published elsewhere, or to use illustrations that may enable readers to identify children or individuals, should be included. Illustrations must also be submitted electronically. The text must be typed in Portrait orientation with 1 inch margins all around, with single spacing, in Arial Font in 10 point. Layout: for major headings (Introduction, Methods, Results etc) use 12pt bold, subheadings should be in 10 pt bold italics.
Condition of Submission
All manuscripts are subject to editorial and scientific review. Submission of an article for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author to the Editor-in-Chief upon acceptance. Accepted papers become the permanent property of “The Journal of Academy of Oral Implantology” and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief of “The Journal of Academy of Oral Implantology”.
Review Articles
Only reviews from eminent Oral Implantologists invited by Editors will be considered for publication in The Journal of Academy of Oral Implantology.
Organisation of the text
Research Articles: Original articles will be given preference
- Title Page: Page one of each paper should indicate the title, the authors’ names with initials only (no qualifications or titles), and the institution where the work was conducted. Department or institution affiliations should be designated after each author’s name as *, **, *** etc. A Short Title, of no more than 30 characters, must be given.
- Key words: A list of 3-5 key words in English is essential.
- Postal Address of the principal author, complete with postal code must be given at the bottom of the title page with telephone number and the corresponding author’s e-mail address. The title page should be part of the main manuscript and not as a separate document.
Abstract: Each paper requires an abstract to include brief details of the work. The abstract should give details of the methods used and also the most important data findings. There should be headings in bold/capitals for: Aim: Study Design: Methods: Results: Statistics: Discussion and Conclusion: References
Introduction: This section should review the pertinent background literature to the research. Key references to previous research should be given and a rationale for the further work reported in the paper arrived at. The aim of the study should conclude the introduction.
Materials and methods: This section must be clearly written and in sufficient detail for the work to be repeated by other workers. Only the FDI tooth notation system must be used. The statistical methods used should be stated. For clinical studies this section must start with the sub-heading Ethical approval: (note: this heading should be in italics) and give a statement of the details of the ethical approval obtained
to conduct the study along with details of the informed consent procedures of the participants.
Results: These should be clearly and succinctly presented and only related to the methods described. Where appropriate data should be given as to the reproducibility of the findings. Statistical analysis should be included in this section. Figures, numbered in Arabic numerals (graphs, illustrations and
photographs), should be presented in a separate document. Figure legends should be listed at the end of the text document.
Tables and figures: Arabic numbers are to be used and titles of tables and figures are required giving clear information as to what is included in the table/figure. All tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript and not interspaced within the text. All figures, including graphs and pie-charts, should be in colour (normally at no extra charge up to 5 figures per paper) and submitted electronically. Due to technical reasons, figures with a screen background should not be submitted. When possible, group several illustrations on one block for reproduction (max. size 181 x 223 mm) or provide crop marks. Each figure must have a clear indication as to its number. Figures and photographs must be of good quality for printing and therefore must be submitted as 300 dpi jpeg images.
Discussion: There should be a discussion of the findings and a brief conclusion should be given but this must be based upon the evidence derived from the research. Authors should be wary of extrapolating their results beyond the evidence provided.
Conclusion: This should briefly outline the most important findings.
Acknowledgment: This should be concise thanking sponsor or those helping with the study that are not authors.
References: Should be as per Vancouver styled referencing. Should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. References should be typed on a separate page after the text. If an article cited in references is in press, one copy of that article should be included with the submitted manuscript. Unpublished work should not be cited in references, but may be cited fully parenthetically within the text. List all the authors when there are three or less authors; when there are more than three, list the first three, then “et al”. The titles of the journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in INDEX MEDICUS Correctness of the reference list is the entire
responsibility of the author(s).
Case reports and case series reports
The format for these reports should follow a similar layout to research papers. the title page, author’(s) address should be the same. there should be an abstract briefly describing the case and treatment provided. the headings in the abstract and in the text must be –
Introduction: to the clinical case/technique should be briefly explained and the
Case Report(s): Should be described in detail with case presentation, investigation, differential diagnoses (if any), treatment provided or procedure performed..
Outcome and Follow-Up: There must be a description of the clinical follow-up carried out, which should have been for a minimum of 2 years where appropriate, this is to indicate the degree of success.
Discussion: There should be detailed discussion about similar cases published in literarture, the special treatment.
Conclusion: There should be a brief conclusion.
References: Should be similar to research paper
Consent from the patient/guardian is must.
Note: Figures and photographs must be of good quality for publishing and therefore must be submitted as 300 dpi jpeg images.